Heavens to Betsy...

I do declare that man Trump is givin' us the vapors!

The genteel flowers of The
Republican Party are having a meltdown over Donald Trump's latest round of antics. R.N.C. Chairman Reince Preibus and other establishment leaders are having conversations about what to do about Trump's insanity. They intend to meet with the man himself.

Here's what's going to happen Reince, nothing. Trump is on you and the entire Republican establishment. You were asleep at the wheel and didn't take him seriously and oh yeah, you've spent twenty years fueling the nutbags of your party. Fourteen million of those nutbags stuck it in you during the primary and said take that you weak willed pussies!

There's a fantasy plot about getting Trump to drop out but it has to happen very soon or else a new name can't be put on the ballot. The new candidate would be selected by 168 Republicans.  Yeah, that would go over well with Trump's fourteen million nut sack swingers. Trump will never just walk away because a group of people he views as stupid tell him to. Even if he agreed to peacefully go, he would drag it out until no ballot changes could be made. Then he would tell all of his supporters that the system is rigged and he was forced out and say very loudly, do not vote for the Republican candidate.

Listen up Reince, there's only one way to get rid of Trump and that's with a straight up business deal. You'll need to raise two billion dollars to pay him to go away and pay off his campaign debts. This way he would finally be the billionaire he claims he is. Now I want to caution you Reince to make certain the contract has an airtight gag order in it. Otherwise Trump will take the money and then go out and trash the party and encourage his supporters to sit this election out.

I'll be sending you a bill for my consulting fee Reince but since you're now the Party of Trump I expect to be stiffed.


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