It's Civics Stupid

I continue to be stunned by the lack of basic civics knowledge in my country.

Today Donald Trump once again dropped his pants and took a dump in the public square. He was droning on about Hillary Clinton wanting to eliminate Second Amendment rights and if she's elected she'll take your guns. This is an old chestnut used by Republicans against many Democrats and it's total hogwash. Trump went further and suggested that hardcore folks might take action. No one with a sound mind is confused, his intent was to incite violence and potential assassination.

The fact is Hillary Clinton is pro gun ownership. That is her record and nothing she has said suggests otherwise.

The point here is the profound ignorance of millions of Americans, including Donald Trump. There are very basic things about our Republic that people should know. No President can remove a Constitutional right. That can only occur through the amendment process which requires all fifty states to participate. Let me point out that at any given time at least thirty states are controlled by a Republican Governor and a Republican dominated legislature, does anyone believe that an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment would be successful?

Even if a President were for eliminating the Second Amendment they could not accomplish it through Executive Order. If they tried, it would immediately go to the U.S. Supreme Court and be struck down. More importantly, any President that tried it would be Impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate trial.

If you believe that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or anyone else is coming for your guns, either you slept during class or you had a shitty teacher or both. But it's not too late. Go to your local library and start reading.

History is fun and informative!

By the way, fun fact, we were told that if Barack Obama was elected he was going to take our guns away, he leaves office in six months and it still hasn't happened.


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