Which Is It?

Former Secretary of State and Republican icon Henry Kissinger said Hillary Clinton ran one of the most efficient State Departments in history.

You might not like Kissinger, I myself think that he's a bit overrated, but I know exactly what his status among Republicans and some Democrats is. He is regarded as being a towering figure in Foreign Policy and someone you must meet with if you're running for President as a Republican (Trump has) and worthy of consultation behind the scenes at the highest levels.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party pound the narrative that we can't trust Clinton's disastrous foreign policy. So, what they are saying is Henry Kissinger is an idiot and should be ignored at all costs. Why don't they just say that?

What about Hillary Clinton's so called failed foreign policy? The last time I checked the Constitution, Cabinet Secretaries carry out the will of the President. If you wish to take issue with Barack Obama's foreign policy that's a fair and good debate, but he's not running again. Whatever advice Secretary Clinton gave Obama and whatever policy she fought for or against ultimately left her hands and became the decision of the President.

This is a false and illegitimate argument absent the fact that Hillary Clinton has not sat in the Oval Office laying out her foreign policy objective as President of the United States, at least not yet.


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