More Garbage From Trump and Co.

Facing the fact that his campaign sucks and he's an incoherent mess Donald Trump is trying his best to convince people that Hillary Clinton is sick. His sycophant sock pocket FOX blowhard Sean Hannity is making a melodramatic Maury Povich style repetition of strongly insinuating Hillary Clinton has had multiple strokes and is too debilitated to serve as President. Hannity is bringing on alleged doctors to analyze a person they have never examined. No doctor worth their title would engage in such activities.

Hillary Clinton fell in her home in 2012 while she was still Secretary of State. She took a few weeks off to rest and then returned to work. From that minor incident this fabrication about strokes is being manufactured. There is no evidence she ever had a stroke or for that matter any serious illness. Anyone who has ever been around a stroke victim, even minor, knows the person does not return to work in just a few weeks, particularly to a highly stressful position.

There has been no indication of any problems since then and she certainly would not be able to endure a Presidential Campaign if she were seriously ill. Her doctor has stated in writing that she is in excellent health and completely fit to serve as President.

This story is absolute garbage but there are people who believe it, including members of my own extended family.



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