The Clinton Foundation

The Clinton Foundation is the topic of controversy because Hillary Clinton is running for President. It was previously under a cloud of controversy when Hillary Clinton was asked to be Secretary of State. Other than these two situations, the Clinton Foundation was praised by rational people of all political persuasions as a force for good. They certainly all willingly showed up at Clinton Global Initiative events and spoke at them.

Before becoming Secretary of State all kinds of disclosures and hoops had to be jumped through by the Clintons, all of which they did. Now a new batch of emails have been released, all of three which show two requests for meet and greets with the Secretary and one from Bono asking if he could broadcast from the International Space Station, which they couldn't help him with. One was the Crown Prince of Bahrain, who could have gotten any call he wished to make to anyone returned. The other was the founder of Slimfast. All three had been donors to the Clinton Foundation, none received anything but a polite howdy.

Trump is calling for a special investigation, which is a complete farce coming from him. Clinton haters are having a field day, which means it's just an average day for them. Some are demanding the immediate closing of the Clinton Foundation, what a load of garbage.

The Clinton Foundation has done far more substantial and verifiable good in the world than any perceived impropriety conveys. It is those two words, perceived impropriety, that we need to focus on. The old pay to play charge is resurfacing, it is an old charge concerning the Clintons. It's not about a charge that they are directly paid to do something but that if you do this thing over here then maybe we'll listen to you over there, no promises or guarantees but we'll listen. That my dear readers encompasses all of politics and don't you dare feign surprise, don't you dare hold the Clintons to a double standard and don't you dare act like you wouldn't use every tool at your disposal to advocate for what you believe in.

The Foundation has already begun making changes and Bill Clinton has announced that if Hillary becomes President he will completely withdraw and do no work for the Foundation he created and clearly loves. The Foundation should continue on with an independent leadership put in place and a Chinese wall put in place between it and the White House. It is easy to do, it's the same as a blind trust.

Bill and Hillary Clinton take no salaries from the Foundation. The bulk of the wealth they have accumulated is from Bill Clinton's speaking fees, which are high because, oh I don't know, he's a former U.S. President and an incredible speaker, in case you've never seen him. As to his staggering fees I can only say, "great work if you can get it, and if you can get it, won't you tell me how." It's fascinating how all of their right-wing capitalist critics criticize them for making money.

The Republicans have never been able to beat Bill Clinton politically and they have lived in abject fear of facing Hillary the moment she entered the Senate. They cannot be beat politically so the only route to fight them is with sleaze, lies and innuendo.

Bill Clinton has been an excellent former President acting as an unofficial goodwill Ambassador on the world stage for the United States. His charm and personality have built the Clinton Foundation into a force for good. On that charm and personality let me remind you that even Newt Gingrich said, while he was Speaker, that when you're standing in a room with Bill Clinton you can't help but like him. That is the skill of a great politician.

Take your Clinton hater hat off for a moment, if you wear one, and consider this. Bill Clinton left the White House at a relatively young age, what was he supposed to do? Play golf and sit in a rocking chair? Someone with his inquisitiveness, ideas and brain power cannot simply fade away. Now put yourself in his shoes and imagine you built an organization that has helped millions and now you're told you need to flush all that down the toilet, what would your feelings be? What would you do?

There are very old foundations in the world and there's no reason why what Bill Clinton has built can't live on long after he has gone.

I shouldn't have to say this, particularly if you have actually read my commentaries, but this is not a Hillary for President blog and I've never actually voted for a Clinton. That may change this year but I don't know yet. Again, if you read this blog as opposed to skimming it or reading one post and not returning because you drew a false conclusion, you definitely know who I'm not voting for.


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