Weiner Savages P.T.S.D. Veteran

Conservatainer Michael Savage attacked one of his callers during a discussion concerning a recent suggestion in California that some tunnel be renamed after Robin Williams to highlight mental health awareness. The caller, a veteran suffering from P.T.S.D. , said he thought it was a good idea if it would help draw attention to mental health issues in this country. This angered Savage, most things do and he lit into the vet rapidly tearing him down and screeching that we don't need to focus on mental health in this country. He made a point of personally ripping this vet a new one and mocking his suffering. Savage told him he's not the only one with problems so boo hoo. He went on to say that mental health awareness is why we got Obama as President.


For all of Savage's alleged formal education he says amazingly stupid things. Anyone who would call his show is clearly a fan, why shred one so unmercifully, particularly a veteran suffering from P.T.S.D. Which war was it again Mr. Savage that you fought in? Oh yeah, the culture wars.

I pay very little attention to the Weiner Man  because he's a doomsday trafficker of the lowest grade. During his tirade against mental health awareness he said that what the country needed was more men like him. I must admit there is some truth to what Savage suggests concerning mental heath issues leading to Obama becoming President. Narcissistic egomaniacs like Savage paved the way for Obama because compared to those delusional loudmouths he seemed like a breath of fresh air and the voice of reason.

Thanks Savage. Which Democratic PAC do you work for again?


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