
Jeb Bush wants to be President of the United States but his campaign is stuck in a muddy ditch. The wheels are spinning and it seems he can gain no traction. So what went wrong?

The Bush Campaign has announced it's slashing salaries by 40%, a fiscally wise decision but a horrible political one. Is there blood in the water? As an observer I've struggled to understand why such a well known figure in American politics is struggling so hard to gain momentum.

It's not because the field is so large, it's about Bush himself. What exactly does he stand for? Sure he repeatedly denounces the Obama Presidency, repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, bad foreign policy, blah, blah, blah...It's boring and uninspiring. What does he really want to achieve other than to be the Republican who replaces the Democrat? There are plenty of those to choose from. Not only has he not distinguished himself but he often comes off as being pissed off that he needs to.

On paper he's the perfect candidate. A political family pedigree that goes back generations, a juggernaut fundraising machine and a reputation as being very smart. So what's wrong?

Here are some possibilities. He is frequently tone deaf, doesn't seem very likeable combined with the appearance of arrogance and knows that a portion of the Republican Party has lost it's mind but he can't come out and say it. At this point he should confront that fringe and call them out for what they are.

I mentioned arrogance and you might think but what about Donald Trump, it's not stopping him. This is true but Trump's arrogance is a part of his charm and brand. He is a happy warrior, Bush does not project that, his arrogance is the run of the mill type which comes from frustration.

The Bush strategy was to reassure it's donors that once they started to run ads things would improve. They have and it hasn't. If Jeb Bush doesn't finish in the top three of the first three tests of 2016, he will become one of the most likely Presidents that never was.

Of course it is possible that he's just not a good candidate. Could it be that simple?


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