Dr. Carson Doesn't Feel Your Pain

Dr. Ben Carson wants to get rid of Medicare. He wants you to get your insurance only through the private sector. Are you young, rich and healthy? Then this might be the right direction for you.

Dr. Carson is like a lot of doctors who like to bitch about Medicare and the fact that they don't bow and pay them whatever they say they should get. Complaining about bureaucracy is a national past time and just fine. Write a blog, you'll feel better. But here's my recommendation for current doctors or those considering being a doctor, if you don't truly believe that it is a calling and an extraordinary opportunity to play a vital role in your fellow human beings lives, get out or don't consider it to begin with.

Dr. Carson's vision, and he's not alone, would result in tens of millions of people being thrown in a ditch and left to die. That's not hyperbole, it's a fact.

Just one more reason Ben Carson is batshit crazy! What? You knew I was gonna say it.


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