Speaking Of...

When last this little blob of insight seriously addressed the issue of Speaker of the House, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy was about to ascend the throne. On the very day of the preliminary vote he said emphatically he was running, less than four hours later he was out and the vote delayed. Oh to be a fly on that wall. What could possibly of transpired in that four hours to stop the ambition of a man who so clearly wanted the job?

For most of the history of our country anyone serving in the House of Representatives most certainly would like to be Speaker of the House. Only in the last several years of Republican dysfunction has it become a stinko position. For a party that was once known for it's discipline they can no longer agree on what to have for lunch.

The cries went out, we need a hero, we need Paul Ryan, the one man who adamantly said he didn't want the job. Yes his Chairmanship of Weighs and Means is the plum job of the House but it's not better than being Speaker, except for right now. Ryan has small children and doesn't want to miss watching them grow up. I believe him but there were always ways around that. The Speaker is not constitutionally required to run around the country raising money for his party. All of Ryan's excuses are addressable. His real reason for not seeking the job is because he knows it's an impossible position to be successful in so long as the position is held hostage by a minority of the Republican caucus.

Ryan has now sort of received the okay from the obstructionists in his party and his requests for family time and a little unity have been accepted. So the reluctant virgin is now running and will be elected the next Speaker of the House. On that day he becomes the establishment and his honeymoon will last one day, then it all comes crashing down and he will have to choose, be a true leader and serve the American people or cave to the looney fringe.

Paul Ryan must be willing to sacrifice his Speakership to do what's right or face a miserable tenure in what should be a great job.

Wonder what he'll do?


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