Il Papa No Poopa?

And that's why I went easy on the Pope. Oh, sorry, I got ahead of myself.

The Vatican has confirmed that Kim Davis met with Pope Francis last week. The ancient institution went further than usual stating that the meeting was brief and that the Pope in no way was voicing an opinion on the unique circumstances surrounding Kim Davis' situation. It has also been made clear that the meeting was arranged by the Papal Nuncio (Vatican Ambassador) in Washington, D.C. He is a very conservative fellow that didn't use good judgment particularly when you consider that we also now know that many American Bishops were opposed to the meeting.

What has prompted the Vatican to respond in such detail? Because the Pope himself clearly was informed of what was being reported in the U.S. and the spin that Davis and the Liberty Council were putting on the meeting. If you carefully listen to what Davis states the Pope said to her, it's all very generic. It's the kind of comments a person of high leadership makes when meeting people they really don't know.

We also now know that the Pope met with a married gay couple, one of whom was a former student of the Pope.

Francis is genuine in his desire to encourage a welcoming attitude toward all people, regardless of their alleged sin. He doesn't want to be used as an endorsement for the actions of an American County Clerk that refuses to do her job but as Pope he can't simply launch a Twitter war. So the Vatican has gone further than usual with it's explanations.

For my liberal Catholic readers who were disappointed when this news first came to light, you must face the fact that no significant doctrinal changes are going to occur. The welcoming tone of Francis is as good as it gets. For the conservative Catholics who think the Pope is too liberal, get over yourselves, nothing is really changing, you still get to be judgemental and hypocritical.

Meeting with Kim Davis was  the equivalent of cutting a toxic fart, then sneaking out of the room. Sure, the smell will fade but the memory will linger.

Yep, I'm the guy that puts Popes and farts in the same post. You're welcome.


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