Institutional Abuse of Power

It's not a clever post title. It's not witty or snarky. It's not funny, it's just the fact.

Hillary Clinton testified at the Select Committee on Benghazi for eleven years, I mean hours, but it felt like years. Let me reiterate that the true name of this committee is Scamgazhi.

Institutional Abuse of Power, how does that make you feel? Do you care? The phrase is not a new one but has it become so commonplace that we're numb to it? Are we so bitter and resigned to accepting this shameful behavior from the highest legislative body of the land that we look the other way and say pass the cheesepuffs?

I don't care whether you like or dislike Hillary Clinton, facts are facts. Seven Congressional Committees and one federally mandated independent review have all closed the books on Benghazi and issued their findings. Speaker of the House John Boehner did not want to form this select committee because he felt it served no purpose. He was forced to form it by the hyper partisan obstructionists in his own caucus that threatened his Speakership.

Today's proceedings were a mockery of our Republic's core beliefs in truth and sober reasoning. It was disgusting, distasteful, shameful, rude, unrevealing and a giant waste of time.

Thank god, whom I don't believe in, that I just picked up season 5 of Xena Warrior Princess. I need to wash away the stink of today by immersing myself in a marathon of a more realistic narrative in which a sword wielding powerful woman fighting the powers of darkness bitchslaps the slime back to the pit they climbed out of!


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