Biden His Time...

Will he or won't he? Should he or shouldn't he?

Joseph R. Biden was infected with the Presidential virus over thirty years ago. The only cure is to become President, Joe Biden is out of time. At 72 this is his last chance to reach for the brass ring. The pundits talk about whether or not there's a path to the Presidency for him, of course there is, he runs and wins, that's the path.

Biden certainly sees himself as the person who would be the greatest defender of Obama's legacy, which is probably true. But any Democrat seeking the Presidency is not going to throw Obama under the bus, they can't afford to.

There is no question, to a normal person, that Biden is more than ready for the job. Decades of legislative experience combined with eight years as Vice-president puts him in a unique position. But in a campaign against Sanders and Clinton can he ever rise above simply being number three? It's a tough lift when there is very little substantive difference between front runner Clinton and himself. Would Democratic primary voters truly bypass the possibility of electing the first female President simply because Biden is enormously likeable? That's a stretch that seems unlikely. To beat Clinton he would have to tear her down and engage in harsh attacks that could backfire and destroy his own legacy. He would also have to rip into Sanders and exploit and distort the word socialism. He would have to gut Sanders and with him the core of what the Democratic Party used to stand for and desperately needs to regain. All of the blood left on the campaign trail could deliver the White House into the hands of the Republicans.

I like Joe Biden and his decision is a tough one. The funster in me hopes he does but the strategist in me would advise him to enjoy his final year in office and think about the next chapter of his life.


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