Mr. Ryan's House of Pain
Paul Ryan has been elected Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans, at least enough of them. The public vote will occur on the floor tomorrow.
Enjoy the evening Paul, sit in the Speakers chair, spin around and soak in the glory cause after tomorrow your nightmare begins.
John Boehner did Ryan a big favor by cutting a budget deal, including raising the debt limit into 2017. Ryan's response was to say it stank but then he said it's okay. After winning the grand poobah seat he gave Boehner a backhanded compliment for his service but then made it clear there's a new sheriff in town and things are gonna change.
If you aren't really familiar with Paul Ryan here's your best insight. He is a disciple of Ayn Rand. He began playing that down when he ran for Vice-President in 2012, particularly when he was hit with questions revealing that he is as ignorant of the true Ayn Rand as everyone else who embraces her political philosophies. But there is a long on the record history of Ryan praising her and pointing to her as one of the biggest influences on his political philosophy.
Mr. Ryan said today that America is on the wrong path. He is correct but it is not his philosophy or that of the obstructionist factions of his party that have the right ideas.
Is it just me or does Paul Ryan look like a thinner version of Frisch's Big Boy? Anyone?
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