Colorado High

The latest Republican Presidential debate was held last night in Colorado and hosted by CNBC, MSNBC's conservative sister network. I wish I could tell you it was insightful or at least entertaining, it was neither. The topic was supposed to be the economy but it quickly drifted into more personality driven issues. Go to to see a list of the untruths which were told.

They were in Colorado so maybe they should have all smoked a joint before the debate, then it would have been worth watching. I'm not so sure I'll watch the next one and I'm a political junkie.

I know, I know you want analysis. So here it is. The winner of the debate was Marco Rubio, not because of his policies but because he displayed a remarkable ability to turn the negatives thrown at him around and back on his opponents. Bush attempted to make an issue of Rubio's chronic abscence from Senate votes. Rubio immediately shot back at Bush and shut him down. Marco Rubio is not the first sitting elected official to run for higher office or two offices simultaneously and he won't be the last. He's not even the only one this time. Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Lindsay Graham and Rand Paul are all current office holders. In Paul's case he's running for both President and re-election to his Senate seat, Rubio could have done the same thing but he chose to only seek the Presidency. The attack on him over this issue has no legs.

Rubio's personal story is a darn good one and he is adept at weaving it into the conversation. If he is not the nominee, he would be an asset on the ticket.

John Kasich is the one candidate in that field who could attract Democrats and Independents. Ironically that's why he has yet to gain real traction. In a general election he would be a formidable opponent but he is in a primary battle within a fractured party. Primary voters are smaller in number and more inflexible in their beliefs.

Trump is Trump, he's like a Sith Lord, holler out to my Star Wars fans, you can't stop him or escape him. When he first announced I wouldn't have thought he had a snowball's chance in hell, now I think he may very well be the nominee.

I disagree with the pundits, Chris Christie did not have a good evening. His shtick is old and tired and he needs to go away. Tell me again why he's on that stage and Lindsay Graham isn't?

Carly Fiorina. Carly, Carly,Carly, why? As part of her normal stump speeches she always says she'll never ask for your vote because she's a woman, she just happens to be a woman. And yet, and yet. She routinely says you know you want to see me take on Hillary Clinton. No one will say it but I will, that is a sexist remark. What she is saying is you know you love a good chick fight. Fiorina is wrong on her facts and just plain wrong overall.

Here's a tip for these Republican candidates, stop saying Hillary Clinton's name every ninety seconds. Each time you say her name you strengthen her.

Carson is still batshit crazy.

Cruz is a broken record.

Paul needs to drop out and focus on his Senate seat or he may return to private life sooner than expected.

Huckabee should go back to Arkansas and tilt at Clinton windmills.

Bush needs a nap, he's really cranky and pouty.

And the rest ...zzzzzzzzz.


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