Epic Flooding

The State of Louisiana is confronting the worst flooding that area has faced in 1,000 years, I didn't create that figure it comes from scientists. I think epic sums it up.

But why am I commenting on this you ask? First and most important I feel for anyone facing such devastation and it is my sincere hope that their pain and suffering ends soon.

Now to the rest. Donald Trump went to Louisiana to tour some of the damage. If you believe that he went there for anything other than a photo-op I'll be kind and say you're deluding yourself. One woman was caught on tape yelling to Trump at least he wasn't out playing golf, a reference to the fact that President Obama is on vacation, Martha's Vineyard to be exact and he always golfs on vacation. Trump naturally couldn't let it go, he had to make a dig. Granted, this woman set up the line, I guess she was unaware that Trump golfs every weekend and indeed owns many golf courses worldwide. As a candidate he is also in no position to help Louisiana.

The Federal Government has responded with it's full force in this crisis, as it is supposed to. President Obama will be going there next week. Some think he should have ditched his vacation and already gone. Why? Is he going to scoop water? Drive a rescue boat? Clear the debris? This is not the nineteenth century, the President of the United States knows up to the minute in real time what is going on. It is the response that matters, not his presence. In my opinion no President should arrive immediately at the scene of a natural disaster because of the logistical nightmare created by their arrival. It is often a hindrance, not a help. That said, he is going and not because of Trump's visit.

Political optics are always important but once in awhile, just once in awhile, it would be nice to see some logic applied in this country.

I know, I know, such a thing could lead to sound and reasonable public policy and a citizenry that actually gets worked up about the really important issues.

We wouldn't want that.


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