Medical Malpractice

Aetna C.E.O. Mark Bertolini threatened the Justice Department in July that if it was not allowed to buy Humana Healthcare it would withdraw from the Affordable Care Act. Aetna didn't get what it wanted and yesterday announced they were leaving the A.C.A. marketplace citing diminishing profit margins. They're lying of course, it's nothing more than hardball revenge with no concern for the Americans it will hurt. No big surprise.

The Affordable Care Act was written by and embraced by the major insurers, pharmaceutical and hospital corporations of this country. They got everything they wanted including killing a public option.

I have been writing about this subject for over eight years and living it most of my adult life, it is a disgrace that in the richest nation on Earth we are still debating whether healthcare is a right or privilege.

The Affordable Care Act has problems, starting with corporate influence, that needs to be fixed. There is no reason that we cannot achieve 100% coverage and achieve it through the private sector, since so many wet their pants over anything government branded.

This issue is not a joke and the fact that the majority of Americans have private health plans or are covered by Medicare is not enough. Do you want to bring healthcare costs down? Start by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and let the free market, which we endlessly hear about, do it's job. Canada's drugs cost half of ours, guess where we should be allowed to buy?

Too many heads are up their asses but I guess the procedure to remove them is too costly!


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