Party On

If we believe the polls, and you know I don't, we have the two most unpopular major party Presidential candidates in the history of polling. What are the latest poll numbers on enthusiasm for polls?

If these candidates are so unpopular, how is it they beat their opponents? Somebody likes them. The Republicans nominated a Nationalist with fascist tendencies and the Democrats nominated a so called center right lying hawk, in spite of the fact we're constantly told the Democratic Party is all about the far left. If that were true the Democrats would have gone with Bernie Sanders and it wasn't close no matter the spin. The Republicans who are allegedly conservatives have nominated a man who will balloon the national debt to over thirty trillion dollars, start trade wars, destroy valuable foreign alliances and amp up the nuclear arms race.

Am I happy with our nominees? Not really and you can't blame me because I'm an independent that actually respects the political process enough not to engage in primary shenanigans by voting where I don't belong.

Do I want multiple choices? Yes, sure, great, the more the merrier but when push comes to shove most voters don't support the idea.

There are over thirty political parties in this country. I used to know the exact number but I've forgotten and don't want to look it up. By the way there is a Socialist, Communist and Nazi Party for those interested. There's the Green Party that Ralph Nader has used as a platform to run. This year Dr. Jill Stein is the Green nominee and she's being a bit untrue with her attacks on Hillary Clinton by blaming her for Bill Clinton's policies. Then we come to the Libertarian Party, the party which should have become the third-party of our country. The problem is they're stuck in 1789 and refuse to recognize the world as it is. Their nominees this year are solid individuals, two former Republican Governors. Gary Johnson for President and William Weld as his running mate. I hope that they meet the necessary polling threshold to qualify them for the debates, I truly want them on that stage. Now, it's true Johnson is a pothead but he stopped smoking the beloved weed two months ago and has promised he will not smoke it while he's President, which is kind of a shame. Obviously he supports legalizing marijuana across the board and so do I. I am not a user myself but pot smokers don't belong in jail. Legal and taxed is the way to go.

I'll be surprised if they meet the threshold but one can hope. As for election day itself Americans have proven time and again that they won't get on board with multiple choices, even in the rare times it happens. Ballot access has always been the biggest problem and certainly the majors don't want any upstarts from the minors upsetting the cart but if our fine citizenry really wanted it, we would have it.

Remember, vote early and often!


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