The Truth About Hillary

This is a Kanesrealm exclusive and comes after many years of extensive research, combing over documentation and innuendo only available to all of us.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, or H.R.C. if you prefer, was born into a middle class family with a father and mother that loved her. Devout Methodists, they dined on pot roasts and ham, developing a love of all things vanilla. Hillary's dad was a Republican, the good kind, not the dirty kind of today. Young Hillary was a Goldwater Republican Girl, later as she dealt with more and more poor people she would begin to think maybe these people needed more than just prayer and the food nobody else wanted.

Against no odds she was able to use her brains to get a good education, at really hoitytoity schools. The smart little girl now became a highly intelligent woman with a deep love of public policy, ick, nobody cares about that. Then she met a pesky rogue named Bill Clinton, eventually they were married. She was a lawyer, a mother and dutiful wife, just like a good Methodist should be.

The rogue talked her into living in his home state of Arkansas where she would become First Lady of the State. She was a tireless advocate for children, minorities and the underprivileged. Along the way there would be those who didn't like this woman acting like she had something positive to add to the public dialogue, but she persevered.

The lovable rogue of Arkansas had his sights set a little higher and soon they were packing up the car and moving to Washington, D.C. to the White House, of all places. As First Lady of the United States Hillary once again took on the issues nearest and dearest to her heart. Once again there were those who thought she should be quiet and just bake cookies or warn the American people to watch out for cold and flu season, but she refused. There were dark times when the rogue's personal foibles brought shame and pain to his family. Hillary was attacked and villified for not dumping her husband, but those were just cheap shots in a useless attempt to take out the rogue, whose political skills were in every way superior to his adversaries.

Hillary Clinton came into her own in 2000 when the people of New York elected her to the U.S. Senate, not once but twice. In the Senate she became respected on both sides of the aisle for her work ethic and willingness to make public policy based on bipartisan cooperation. She ran for President and unlike her race against Bernie Sanders, her contest against Barack Obama was actually razor thin and she could have caused major problems at their convention and ultimately been a spoiler but she took the high road and fully endorsed Obama. By the end of their primary campaign they were not exactly friends. In spite of that, Obama reached out to her to be his Secretary of State, a true rival in every sense of the word, now allies.

Here's a fun fact. When Hillary Clinton is in office or leaving office her approval and likeability numbers are high but when she's running they're low.

Hillary Clinton has been under a microscope for forty years. She has been fairly criticized but mostly unfairly attacked in an attempt to smear her.This has led to her creating a hardshell around herself which comes off as seeming like she's hiding something. She seems cautious in her answers because she is. She's a policy wonk and they can put you to sleep faster than an ambien. What type of person do you want making decisions?

Hillary Clinton is a human politician, this means she is fallible on the whole human part and she has on occasion lied. Have you ever lied? Don't utter to yourself but I'm not running for President because that is totally disingenuous. Politicians on the other hand almost never lie or tell the truth depending on what they're saying and how much you agree or disagree. Gifted politicians manipulate, bob and weave and end many queries with the always popular, "those are valid points which merit serious review."

Here's the current line of attack on Hillary Clinton, you can't trust her, she's hiding something and she lies. I've already stated the truth, all human beings have told lies at some point in their life, what they are varies, that they are cannot be escaped. As to having something to hide, there's nothing left to expose about Hillary Clinton, that forty years of microscoping has done it all.

So let's take on the big attacks. As Secretary of State she, as well as others, recommended going into Libya to support the toppling of Khadaffi. The decision was President Obama's. Benghazi was a diplomatic outpost, not an embassy. More importantly it was a C.I.A. installation, hence a need for great secrecy. Hillary Clinton is not responsible for the killing of four State Department employees, the killers are responsible and for the record it doesn't matter what their motivation was, it only matters that they did it.

On the email server, no matter how many times it's discussed the fact is it was not illegal at the time she did it. The grand total of questionable classified emails directly linked to Secretary Clinton is three. There is no proof that her server was ever hacked. We know for a fact that the State Department's government controlled and secured servers were hacked at the time. Her private server only became a topic of interest when she finally announced she was running for President, that provides the thinking person with all they need to know.

On the issue of the reset of relations with Russia, it led to the expansion of a Nuclear Arms Treaty. It did not result in all that was hoped for. That is the nature of diplomacy, it is a long complicated process that can take decades to yield a successful outcome.

On the Iran Nuclear Deal which began on her watch, the deal is far better than the loudmouths of our country will ever admit. If it makes you feel better, we will never let them get the bomb and we always have the military option to stop them.

It's bizarre that her oppenents regularly bring up her husband, the former U.S. President. They are not running against him and his personal indiscretions aside, what part of the peace, prosperity and balanced budgets of the 1990's Clinton Administration are they against?  Did I mention it was Bill Clinton who came the closest of any U.S. President to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? I actually did not vote for Bill Clinton either time and like all Presidents I have quarrels with some of his policies but he is the past. Of course Hillary would use Bill, he is not without skills, but if anybody really believes he'll be running the country, they're mistaken.

I have read many books on the Clintons, both for and against. I have seen the garbage video tapes filled with conspiracy theories and read the countless pamphlets in circulation which basically say Hillary is Satan in a pantsuit. If you subscribe to the theories of the alternate universes portrayed by the fringe whackadoos that is your prerogative but unfortunate.

This is not an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, merely a few things to contemplate. When you read in this blog about free thought and critical thinking, they are not throw away lines, they are the cornerstones of my intellectual life. I may or may not vote for Hillary. I may or may not tell you about it. The ballot box is both secret and sacred. I will predict for you that more people will vote for Hillary than will admit it.


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