Gross Distortion

The Associated Press story which recently came out on Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation is a gross misrepresentation of the totality of her four years as Secretary. During those four years she had over 1,700 official scheduled meetings. The AP chose to take a two year period and only examine 184 meetings of which half were people who had donated to the Clinton Foundation. All of these meetings were officially scheduled and placed on the State Department calendar. I'd be willing to bet that those donors also gave money to dozens of charitable organizations. There is not a single charge of inappropriate conduct by Secretary Clinton by any credible source with proof of a quid pro quod.

Donald Trump says the Clinton Foundation is a criminal enterprise set up to for the sole purpose of enriching the Clintons through abuse of power. It's time for him to put up or shut up. Trump donated $100,000.00 to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Trump boasts about exploiting the rigged crooked system and always gets what he wants. Anyone who knowingly engages in activity with a criminal enterprise are themselves a criminal. It is time for Trump to confess his crimes and tell the American people exactly what he got for his YUGE donation to the Clinton Foundation. Further he needs to inform the Justice Department of all of the illegal public and private rigged crooked enterprises he has engaged with over his five decades of business. It is time for Trump to blow the lid off of the crooked system he exploited, if he cares so much about the American people. His own complicity will of course warrant jail time but I'm sure prosecutors will take his age and testimony fully in to account when making a sentence recommendation.

Do you think he'll do it?


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