A Season of Disgust

I'm a political junkie. I watch a lot of news and political programming. C-Span has been my companion since it's founding. I also read a lot, including these things called books. I have been this way since the age of thirteen, when I never missed Firing Line and the McLaughlin Group and any P.B.S. political documentary and oh yeah those books I so often refer to. This continued throughout my teenage years and no I was not a popular kid, go figure. As I grew older my interest only intensified and my knowledge of history and politics has nothing to do with the dribble fed to me by the public school system. It comes from my own personal quest for knowledge.

I've always looked forward to the political season, though I believe firmly it lasts too long and we need to make serious changes. Some years are boring, some are nail biters but none have disgusted me more than this Presidential cycle.

No matter who has been President in my lifetime, whether I agree with them or not my personal position has always been they are my President. For the first time this may cease to be true. If Donald Trump is elected I will not consider him my President. It only has meaning to me but it is a feeling I don't like. I don't pick my friends based on their beliefs, political or otherwise. In fact I liked having a diverse group of people around me, it makes life far more interesting than being a part of the Pringles Pack.

Lately my disgust with this campaign season has reached a boil. I'm seriously considering turning off the news programs and tuning out. I might be able to still watch Book T.V. on C-Span weekends, maybe.

I'll definitely watch the debates, if they happen but I'm close to needing a vomit bucket near my favorite chair.

Can I tune out given my nature? Probably not but I can always bitch about it here, because it's my blog and that's what the internet is for.

And no, I'm not in the basement in my pajamas, I have my own room upstairs!


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