The Rigged System

Donald Trump has proclaimed we have a rigged system and like any idiot, once in awhile he gets it right. We do have a rigged system. Not our elections, they remain relatively straight and I 'll explain why in a separate post. For now let's stay on the rigged system of which Donald Trump is a part of.

From the moment man slithered from the primordial sludge, for you creationists when God wiggled his nose and zapped the human race into existence, the system has been rigged. It started first with the strongest simply beating the weakest to death, for land, women, food or because their God(s) commanded it. Then mankind discovered organization and the joy of money. The system then shifted to Kings and Queens and those they favored. Money and position took root and brought us forward to now.

The system is rigged to favor the rich and powerful, like Donald Trump. They have access to the best of everything and they and their surrogates write the laws and regulations which govern us. They use sophisticated methods to cloud the important issues and divert the public's attention, much the same way you would use a set of rattling keys to get a baby to look away.

Donald Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and now uses it to scoop poop from his ass and fling it like a howler monkey and poor people and assorted morons are lining up to get covered in his shit with the hope that his alleged greatness will permeate them. It won't because he is lying about his love for them and his desire to help them. They are cattle which he is leading to the slaughter and they are thanking him for it. The rigged system that enriched the Trump family will become even broader under a Trump Administration. He will accelerate our already existing march to Oligarchy. He will carry forward an Ayn Rand shit riddled philosophy on steroids, though he probably thinks she's the one that made road maps.

So yes, the "system" is rigged. If you think that's a bit fatalistic that's because it's reality. If it bothers you too much just flip over to Keeping Up With the Kardashians and then try to argue with me that it's not reality. I would relish the mental gymnastic equivalent of bitch slapping you till you wake up. If the term bitch slapping offends you, please see my commentaries on political correctness.

To recap, the system is rigged and controlled by the rich and powerful as it always has been throughout the history of our species.

Thank you, there's Koolaid at the back please help yourself.


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