Social Media?

I maintained for years that I would never join Facebook and certainly never use Twitter. The only way I could see a justification for these things, for me, was if I were engaged in promoting a business interest or if I were a public figure needing to assert control over my persona.

Part of my feelings on the issue has to do with my belief that social media is anything but. Twitter is the perfect illustration of this. There is no real dialogue on this platform. It isn't possible when you can't exceed 140 characters, I've joked that my farts require more characters than that. The joke however, is slight. It's easy to see how valuable Twitter has been in countries where it was the only way for protesters to communicate and remain connected. It's perfect for a mass push of a product or personality but how beneficial is it really for the average person? I'm now on Twitter for the purpose of promoting this blog. The one thing you learn quickly is that just because someone follows you doesn't mean you should follow them. I am not at this moment enthralled with Twitter, but it's free, on the other hand is that enough of a reason to use it?

I launched my Facebook account the same day as Twitter and for the same reason. Unlike Twitter, Facebook is a bit more engaging. There are a variety of groups that are of personal interest to me but it still lacks the immediate dialogue I crave, but I recognize these platforms will never completely satisfy me.

Blogging has been an outlet for voicing my informed opinion. It is the equivalent of launching a sailboat on the cyber sea, but you remain on the shore. The hope is always that you might spark a dialogue but more often than not silence is the response. Even when someone may object to a commentary and offer their opinion, it's often either negative in nature or simply does not lead to a good exchange. So why do it? My reason is a desire to write and stimulate the little grey cells. So once every couple of days, give or take, I launch a missive, even if very few read it.

I could simply write a personal journal using one of my many fountain pens, that's right I use a fountain pen, would you expect less? But that would be selfish. If my opinion is good enough for me, it's good enough for you and you're entitled to it!

It's a sacrifice, but you're welcome.


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