Rudy Giuliani is Demented

No, scratch that, I meant Rudy Giuliani has dementia. I know it's true because it's on the internet.

Remember Rudy the 9/11 Mayor of New York that we briefly thought was a reasonably decent guy?

Remember Rudy, the Mayor that was pro immigration and not for scaring undocumented workers into the shadows?

Remember Rudy, the guy that dressed as a woman for a comedy review?

Remember Rudy, the guy that lived with two gay guys when he was between wives?

Remember Rudy, the pro choice middle of the road Republican?

Where the hell did that Rudy go? People do change but Rudy began a disgusting transformation after losing his 2008 Presidential run. He endorsed his friend John McCain and became a nasty surrogate attacking and making crass remarks about Barack Obama. Rudy had always been pugnacious but something hateful began to infect him at that time and it has continued to fester.

Now he's an attack dog for Donald Trump and he daily acts like a rabies afflicted pit bull. His favorite chew toy is Hillary Clinton and he's not saying anything different than Trump but he's saying it a lot and he knows better. His smears and innuendo that Clinton is ill, citing facts that do not exist are beneath him, or are they?Rudy was supposed to Run against Hillary for the U.S. Senate in 2000 but he withdrew from the race because he had prostate cancer or did he? We only have his word for it, maybe he was just scared of Hillary.Lately Rudy has said some confusing things and he has seemed disoriented and he now has a mysterious bruise on his head. He said today when challenged on his Clinton health charges that you can go to the internet and type in Hillary Clinton illness and read for yourself. You can also type in Rudy Giuliani illness and discover he has dementia, although there are no facts or evidence of any kind, just like Clinton.

Rudy Giuliani has no elective future in politics left to him, sadly he has chosen to align himself with a charlatan and to traffic in crazy town talk as opposed to substantive policy debate. I can only assume he's positioning himself for a spot in Trump's Cabinet if he wins.

What a shame.

Remember Rudy?


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