It's Been Heard

Rumors are in the air that President Barack Obama is quietly saying behind the scenes that it's time for Bernie Sanders to get out of the race and support Hillary Clinton. As I write this Sanders just beat Clinton in Alaska and Washington.

I have no doubt that these rumors are true, so instead of remaining in the dark I will publicly say to President Obama, it's time for you to shit or get off the pot! Obama has all but come out and formally endorsed Hillary Clinton. He has hinted and insinuated it but even with this simple act he's too cool for school. He may endorse her but only after he's sure there is no way Sanders could pull an upset. He will absolutely campaign for her if she is the nominee because he needs her but no matter what he says, deep down he thinks Bill and Hillary Clinton have an odd odor, something similar to a garlic fart. There are memories of something once enjoyed but now there are unpleasant lingering after effects.

Obama's opinions on Sanders Campaign are rich considering his own insurrgent rise to power. This is a numbers game, no question about it. It's about the delegate count. But here's another part of the numbers game and that is about dollars and cents. Sanders has the support of millions of small donors and his Campaign has the ability to go all the way to the Convention and that's exactly what he should do.

Sanders catches hell for often being to critical of the Democratic Party. He should be critical and not shy away from the Democrats shortcomings. They should be called out for taking for granted the votes of African-Americans, Hispanics and the LGBT community. Bernie Sanders isn't a modern Democrat because he doesn't believe in Republican Lite politics. He is an F.D.R. Democrat and is proposing a New Deal for the twenty-first century. This is why he is honestly saying that he alone cannot achieve these foundational changes. Millions of people must become mobilized and apply their power at the ballot box and then continue to organize and apply pressure to their representatives.

Bernie Sanders has already had a significant impact on Hillary Clinton's campaign. Oddly enough he is poised to have the greatest impact on the Democratic Party since Bill Clinton by reversing what Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council did to the party in the early 1990's. Who would have thought that an independent from Vermont would be the person to achieve that?


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