A Sea of Denial

Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Super Tuesday. But if you're a Republican  Presidential candidate it was like a giant bird in the form of a Trump and it shit all over you.

Oh, not according to the candidates themselves or the establishments ( whoever they really are) consulting class. Trump creamed his opponents, period. Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas but Trump was a strong second, Cruz did not sweep it at above 50% and he should have. Cruz squeaked a win in Oklahoma and the Alaska Caucus, so at least he won something. Marco Rubio has had no wins but consistently delivers victory speeches after every race, he has turned nothing around in his campaign. Late last night Rubio won the Minnesota Caucus, so hey, good job Marco. Now he has all his eggs in the Florida basket, that was Rudy Giuliani's strategy in 2008, it failed. True, Rubio is a Senator from Florida but he is not exactly popular right now, in fact Trump is currently 20 points ahead in the polls. If Rubio loses Florida he'll probably still remain in the race because he believes that this nomination selection will take place at the Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

Let's explore the Convention theories. Here are the simple facts, all nominations are about the accumulation of delegates. Trump is ahead and in this analysts opinion he will continue to rack up wins and will have the magic number to be nominated. But let's say I'm wrong and it is within the realm of possibility, though in Kanesrealm not likely. If he is short by a handful of delegates and it becomes an open convention theoretically the delegates could defy the will of the voters in their states and dump Trump. Those other candidates most notably Cruz and Rubio could find themselves in shock if the Party Fathers reach out to someone not in the current race which frankly would be more likely than choosing either the hated Cruz and the failed campaign of Rubio. If the Republican Party thinks it has a current problem with Trump, what do they think he'll do if as the dominant delegate holder he is passed over? Can you say scorched earth.

To the other nonsense that if Trump is the nominee some Republicans are suggesting they could never support him and may have to seek out an independent conservative to run against him in the General Election. That would guarantee a Democratic victory.

The Republican Party has played a significant role in the creation of Donald Trump. They criticize his public language while in actual practice are trying to implement much of what he talks about. They all want a giant wall on the Mexican border but they don't want to talk about it. They have spent the last several years seeking to suppress the vote of minorities and poor people so that voter turnout remains low. Many of them have demonized Muslims in general, paving the way for unspoken approval of discrimination. Many of them have no problem manipulating racial divides to achieve their goals.

I am not suggesting all Republicans share Trump's views but they need to reflect hard on why they are in the toilet and just how it is that Donald Trump is beating the crap out of them.

The Republican Party is in complete denial and desperately need to admit they have a problem. That is the first step to getting better. Perhaps long-term care in a safe environment is best.


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