Trump and Punishment
A Dostoevsky masterpiece it is not. You have no doubt heard about Donald Trump's latest controversy, there are so many. This one is about abortion.
Hearing about it and watching the entire exchange are two different things. Watch the whole thing, not just the snippet on a loop. It took place in a town hall setting hosted by Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Matthews laid a gigantic turd at Trump's feet and instead of stepping over it he stepped right in it.
Trump is Pro Life with certain exceptions. So Matthews asks the question, should a woman be punished for having an abortion. Let's stop right there and acknowledge reality, abortion is legal. A nimble and skilled politician should have said given the fact it is the law of the land the question is moot. I suppose if you have a diarrhea mouth you could add if Congress ever outlaws it I'll get back to you with an answer,then sit stone faced until Matthews wore himself out.
Trump didn't do that. You can see in his face he is searching his brain for a response he thinks his supporters would want to hear. It was painful to watch. He was clueless to the minefield he just stepped into. Finally saying yes the woman should face punishment though he wasn't sure what that should be.
The Pro Life movement does not advocate punishment of the woman but of the doctor performing the procedure. Though some of their more extreme advocates actually call for the execution of the doctor, including one of Ted Cruz's chief advisors on this issue.
Trump is now under attack by all sides and once again we are being told this is it, Trump may finally have brought himself down. How often have we heard this?
In typical Trump fashion once the poo hit the fan he altered his answer multiple times. I'm guessing he may not be able to resist revisiting the subject and doubling down on his statement. He has a habbit of not being able to resist his own B.S.
Ted Cruz is actually not the great alternative for Republicans because he is widely hated and Kasich's only chance at the nomination is at an open convention where suddenly the party turns to him. I doubt that will happen but anything is possible. If it becomes a free for all at the Convention perhaps a familiar face in the form of Jeb Bush would be turned to. At least he was an actual candidate unlike Romney or Ryan.
The Republicans have two horrible candidates in Trump and Cruz and one very unlikely nominee in Kasich because Republican voters have made it clear they don't want him.
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