Mittens Speaks

Mitt Romney delivered a scathing indictment of why Donald Trump should be rejected by Republicans. He did this from the safety of Salt Lake City surrounded by a friendly audience.

Well done Mitt, you just propelled Donald Trump's ascendancy to the nomination exponentially. Romney is not the person to deliver this rebuke. As much as I don't think Trump would be a good President my opinion of Romney is even less. He accused Trump of being a phony, if that's true then Romney himself is a phony on steroids. He has occupied all positions on all subjects including implementing Romney Care in Massachusetts which is identical to the so called Obamacare which he viciously attacked in 2012. In fact the architects of that Massachusetts plan were brought to Washington to work on President Obama's healthcare plan.

Romney has been pro choice then pro life depending on the political race he is in. He became severely conservative for 2012. He believes with all his heart that 47% of Americans are lazy worthless leaches sucking off the rest of society. Do you remember that infamous 47% comment from 2012, if not I just reminded you, look it up and refresh your memory.

Romney attacks Trump on not releasing his tax return when he himself refused to do so until just a few weeks before the General Election of 2012 and even then it was only a couple of years worth. He says Trump is not a successful businessman because of multiple failed ventures. The first thing any entrepreneur learns is that for every success you have there are a dozen failures. In fact anyone with even a limited business education knows that you will always fail more than you succeed but you keep going. Romney accuses Trump of bankruptcies and putting people out of work. The Emporer has no clothes, Romney's entire business career is about seizing vulnerable companies, breaking them up and selling off their assets acquiring great wealth for he and his partners and leaving the employees of those companies unemployed and desperate to feed their families. Mitt Romney builds nothing, he is a creature of Wall Street where to actually create something of benefit that you can touch is held in scorn. It is about manipulating paper and selling unsuspecting American investors a bottle of snake oil.

Mitt Romney sought the imprimatur of Donald Trump in 2012 and praised Trump for his brilliant business accumen, creating jobs and deep understanding of the economy. That was only four years ago, Trump is the same person now that he was then. So Romney was lying then and telling the truth now? Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up, oh that's right the real Romney is whatever he needs to be.

Mitt Romney is positioning himself to be turned to at what the establishment hopes will be an open convention. He is standing in the wings as an elder statesman of the party prepared to pick up the pieces. Unfortunately Romney is no statesman and he is completely without credibility.

Personally I don't care if the Republican Party rips itself apart, in fact I hope it does. It needs to fall to ashes and decide what it wants to be and then reform.

Romney's inclusion of an attack on Hillary Clinton and accusing the Clintons of cronie capitalism is proof that this was a self serving speech saying look at me I'm ready to run. Cronie capitalism? That's rich coming from the poster child of insider dealing.

Go back to one of your many mansions Mitt, have some pancakes and reflect on why you were not the one to deliver this speech, why it means nothing  and why this will be viewed as the moment the Trump Campaign went into overdrive and it's supporters grew in strength.


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