A Clear Choice

The horrendous mass shooting in Orlando, Florida at a gay night club has left the United States with the largest event of this type in our history. It has also in the most tragic circumstances provided us with a clear choice in our upcoming general election.

Hillary Clinton cancelled her already scheduled day of campaigning and instead delivered a heartfelt reflection on the weekends tragedy and presented a plan moving forward. At no time did she mention Donald Trump. She struck a chord of unity and in every regard rose to the level of being Presidential.

Contrast that with the speech of Donald Trump who continues to blatantly demonstrate he is nothing more than a demagogic sack of shit. I will not, as the press feels compelled to say, that those supporting him are somehow not responsible and are simply afraid, baloney. Trump has no plan for anything. His entire push is about shock and fomenting hatred. Instead of calling for unity he basically blamed President Obama and Hillary Clinton. In his standard uninformed manner he stated emphatically that Omar Marteen was born in Afghanistan. He wasn't, he was born right here in the United States.

Omar Marteen was a vile and disgusting piece of garbage who freely chose to commit a haneous crime. He admits to being inspired by ISIS and pledged his solidarity in 911 calls immediately prior to his actions. He was known to hate gay people according to his family and was an angry abusive person according to his ex-wife. All of his motivations will become clearer as the investigation continues, maybe. What is very clear is that he specifically targeted the LGBT community.

Trump and many Republicans continue to want to babble on about President Obama not using the phrase radical Islamic terrorism. Terrorism is terrorism no matter who commits it and ironically it is invariably perpetrated in the name of God. The United States embraces and enshrines freedom of religion and entire groups of people must not be condemned for the actions of one, a few or an entire terrorist organization. But make no mistake lone wolves like Marteen who are self radicalizing and using those terrorist organizations and religion as self justification for their evil deeds are not created in a vacuum. Islam as well as Christianity and most religions condemn homosexuality. In many countries that exist under Sharia law the penalty for being convicted of such conduct is punishable by death. ISIS is actively executing anyone within it's controlled territory that it believes is gay. In the United States there are many fringe Christian Pastors who advocate the killing of gay people. Lunatics come in all guises including those carrying Bibles and Korans.

Omar Marteen was a criminal, a mass murderer, no matter what his reasons.


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