Lyin' Donald Trump

Lyin' Donald Trump is at it again. Lyin' Donald Trump, it's so true, he's such a liar folks, no really, many people are saying it and there not small lies, he lies biggly.

Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to take away all of our guns, every last one of them, right down to the derringer strapped to your Aunt Minnie's inner thigh. It's not true, no way, no how. It's a scare tactic aimed at whipping up a furor among our less in depth reflective citizens.

Should we strengthen our gun laws nationally? Absolutely as long as they meet the common sense test. I know, we're not big on common sense but we should give it the old college try. Assault rifles were once banned and the freedom of the nation did not fall. That ban expired in 2004 and sales have been booming ever since, especially the AR-15 which is now America's favorite assault rifle. Strictly for target practice and hunting of course. You can't be too careful when hunting these days because the deer population is now well armed and often wearing kevlar vests. Even the squirrels and bunnies are packin now, usually favoring an Uzi.

There is nothing wrong with background checks, closing the gun show loopholes and banning civilian ownership of military grade weapons whose sole purpose for existing is to rip human beings to shreds as quickly as possible. If you are a collector who just thinks the weapon looks cool that's fine, a high grade non-functioning replica can be made by the same manufacturer, everybody wins and no sales are lost. Congress has every right to pass these laws and it in no way violates the Second Amendment.

You've read it here before, now read it again. No President can get rid of the Second Amendment and take away our guns. Congress cannot get rid of the Second Amendment and take away our guns. Only through the amendment process can any amendment to our Constitution be revoked. That takes every legislature in every State in what is a long complicated process. It is not going to happen.

In 1949 there was a Supreme Court case called "Terminiella v. Chicago, it concerned a priest and free speech. In his 24 page dissent Justice Robert H. Jackson wrote: "The choice is not between order and liberty. It is between liberty with order and anarchy without either. There is a danger that, if the court does not temper it's doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom, will convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact."

Would stronger enforced gun laws have prevented the massacre in Orlando? Probably not. Deranged maniacs with an agenda of murder have already crossed the line into criminality and will look for the weapons they need in the dark places of our society. That does not mean we throw up our hands and say oh well there's nothing we can do. We throw up as many roadblocks as possible and maybe, just maybe, we slow down that maniac just long enough to figure out what they are up to. One thing that I'm fairly certain would have prevented the slaughter at Pulse is if Omar Marteen's wife had bothered to contact the police and alerted them to what her husband was planning.

If Lyin' Donald Trump had been President he couldn't have prevented Marteen's actions no matter what he says. Do not fall for his blustery rhetoric and empty promises. Remember, this is the fellow who says he knows more about ISIS than our Generals and has foreign policy experience because he held the Miss Universe contest in Russia one time.

Lyin' Donald Trump, we just can't trust him.


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