Shy Or Just Not There
In light of the response to my recent request, the data or lack of, would seem to indicate that either my readers are shy or virtually non-existent.
Some might ask why continue? Still others might ask why bother to have begun? That second one is probably the better question.
But continue I shall. Partly because I've never been good at going when I should and partly because before I begin the long night of my journey, whenever that may be, I intend to leave behind as large a steaming pile on the cyber sidewalk as possible. I wax poetic, truthfully I'll just keep writing in this blog until I'm thoroughly bored with it.
Between 2007 and 2009 I wrote another blog, it ended after about 500 posts. It served it's principal purpose, which was to amuse me and offer up commentary on the 2008 Presidential Election. Ultimately, for a variety of reasons I stopped posting and then I did something which I regret, I deleted the blog. I archived most of it but no one can accidentally step in it anymore. That won't happen with this blog, it will remain long after I've stopped writing in it, hopefully forever or at least until Google flushes it.
So for better or worse, I shall remain calm and carry on!