What's He Smoking?

Presidential candidate Chris Christie said if you're a pot smoker in Colorado enjoy it while you can because as of January, 2017 when he's President, Federal law will be enforced.

This leads to two points for consideration. The first is that Federal law still prohibits the legal use of marijuana. Those engaged in these legal businesses worry about this issue. For now the Feds have taken a hands off approach. The second point goes directly to one of the alleged conservative cornerstones and that is States rights issues. How does Christie square this?

For over twenty years I have advocated that marijuana use should be at a minimum decriminalized at all levels. Our prisons are overloaded with pot users that frankly shouldn't be there. I have now come to the conclusion it should be legalized and taxed across the board.

There is zero evidence that those who don't use marijuana will suddenly take to it if it's legal. The states where it is legal is proof of that. Do I think it's a good recreational thing to do? No I don't, but I also know that those who do it are not a threat to society at large.

There's also the broader issue of medical use and there clearly is one. For those facing extreme pain of chronic and life ending disease it can ease those symptoms better than pain pills and other remedies. In 1978 when my Great Uncle was suffering unbelievable pain from a cancer that was killing him his doctor said something incredible, he advised my Great Uncle that if he could get some pot he should do so. He didn't do that of course because it was against the law. He died a horrible death. If marijuana would have helped him with pain and nausea his doctor should have been able to prescribe it.

We have important issues to deal with in this country, this is not one of them.

No one cares Governor Christie, including your fellow conservatives in government, who are clearly indulging on a regular basis.


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