More Donald

As long as we're on the Trump Roll®, you can't use that, seriously I own it. The Trump Roll® is a delicious dense cinnamon swirled sweet dough wrapped around imported marzipan, finished with a maple glaze and just a spritz of confectioners sugar. I've had rolls from everywhere and let me tell you this is the best, you've never had anything like it.

Now on to Donald. Lots of stories out there in political land that many in the Republican Party, mostly the insiders, are worried that Donald Trump is going to hurt the party. First, even if the Republican Party were in top form and it's brand sterling, Trump could not hurt it. He is an anomaly and can hurt individual candidates, but not the party. Second, the party is in the toilet, you can't harm a brand that smells of sulfur and raw sewage.

Next, I don't believe any of the polling data concerning Trump. Whether he's in second or last place or 55% of the party hates him or 65% say they wouldn't vote for him, all of that is meaningless. Until he stands on the debate stage and starts putting out plans actually detailing what a Trump Administration would look like, it's all hot air. He won't get away with just saying he'll fix everything because he knows the best fixers in the world and no one will screw with him because they know that he knows what to do.

Stay tuned for more exciting chapters of Donald Trump's Hairraising Adventures©, that's mine too.

(This post was brought to you by Trump Roll®,coming to a bakery near you and soon Trump Roll® for your freezer, "The taste of Trump anytime."®)


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