Environmentally Speaking

I can't begin to tell you how many times a day I'm asked about my thoughts on climate change. Actually I can, none, but this is my blog so here goes.

Is the climate changing?

Yes, it always has.

Is man having an impact on the climate?

Common sense would certainly indicate that we have an impact on our environment especially since the dawn of the industrial revolution moving forward.

Should we be taking drastic measures which could seriously harm our domestic and world economy?

No we should not. We should be sensible and be good stewards of the planet but we must not take actions which would in fact most seriously harm the financial well being of the poor and middle class. A slow steady approach with common sense public policy is the best course.

Is oil just the most horrible thing ever?

No it isn't and it's applications go far beyond just fuel. On the subject of fuel and our power needs we must take a common sense path and set long-term sustainable and reachable goals. We should be exploiting every energy resource including wind, solar and nuclear as well as more traditional avenues.

What about all the droughts, earthquakes and hurricanes?

Scary stuff and with our 24/7 news cycle and social media we are bombarded with the horrific images of these events to the point that you would almost believe we've only started having these problems in the last few years. Unfortunately, Mother Nature is indifferent to our needs. The better questions are why do we build cities in high danger zones, watch them be destroyed and then rebuild in the same spot without using the necessary construction barriers to protect them. Why when we are surrounded by oceans are we not building desalination plants? All the world a water pitcher and not a drop to drink. Some suggest, not just science fiction writers, that the wars of the future will be fought over water. Shouldn't we be acting in a prudent manner now? Desalination is expensive right now because it is not common practice, we need to change that. Peel fifty billion off the Department of Defense's budget and get to work, I assure you severe drought which leads to crop destruction and water rationing is a national security issue. One more pet peeve about water. Just how stupid are we? The bottled water industry is now a multibillion dollar industry owned mostly by the soda pop kings. Their bottling plants suck millions of gallons out of your local reservoirs, shove it through a screen and sell it back to you. Many local municipalities have become seriously concerned about this phenomenon. We spent billions  in this country to insure we could go to our taps and drink what comes out. In some places it might not taste very good but there are inexpensive ways to address that.

Should we recycle?

Whenever possible I do and you should too. Honestly, how big of an imposition on your life is it to drop off your cardboard and plastic? I live in Bumfuck and there's recycling sites conveniently located. Some bad eggs use it as their trash dump and that sucks but there are idiots everywhere. I don't think you should be forced to recycle. Do it or not, the choice is yours.

So what are your conclusions on climate change?

Conclusion indicates an end and sense the earth has experienced numerous climate changes, some catastrophic, it will not end for me until I'm dead and more broadly human beings cease to exist. What I find slightly irritating are the politicians who state emphatically that it is settled science and the politicians on the other side who do their ostrich impersonation everyday. I am 49 and when I was growing up we were being warned about a coming ice age, the world was cooling. Thirty-fivish years later we were warming and rapidly approaching the end of days. But if we stop driving so much and close a few factories we might buy a few more days. It was an incredibly short period, cosmically speaking, from the new ice age to the inferno. As I've already stated human beings absolutely have an impact on the environment which leads to probable climate issues, only a flat earther would dispute this. Good science devoid of political motivation must lead the way followed by politicians willing to exercise common sense combined with long-term strategies, I know that one is a major hurdle but we can always hope. Then we the people must do our individual part. 


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