All We Are Saying... give the Iran Nuclear Deal a chance. Seriously, give it a chance. It really is a good deal and a step in the right direction. Don't take my word for it, read it yourself, don't wait for the skewed interpretations of others.

Iran is certainly not our bosom buddy, we're certainly not ready to be roommates but we do need to start a more meaningful dialogue. Given the Iranian Governments general hostility it is certainly wise to question whether they can be trusted to honor the deal but here's the most important thing to remember, we are giving up nothing. Iran has everything to gain by cooperating, they can normalize relations with the world and build a better domestic economy. If they choose to cheat we and our allies hold all the cards for retaliation.

It's scary to risk a little trust or if you prefer, take a leap of faith. Those who oppose this agreement need to carefully reflect on the alternative, they haven't offered their solution because it is war. That's it, give the diplomatic initiative a chance or start bombing. Which is better given the current world situation and our own multi front wars?

We represent five percent of the world's population. While our economic and military power uniquely position us as an important player on the stage we must guard against believing the other ninety-five percent are just guest stars in our production.

We are not in this Iran deal alone. We can't achieve a peaceful resolution without the cooperation of Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China.

If it becomes necessary we have the military option in our tool box. Israel is justifiably nervous about the deal but it's important to understand we are solidly in their corner and will never abandoned them.

Iran needs to change for the sake of it's own people. It must change if it is to be embraced by the world of nations. Whether it will or truly wants to is yet to be seen, it's up to them to prove their sincerity.


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