Hypocrisy and the Showman

Macy's announced today it is severing it's business ties with Donald Trump, specifically the cologne and clothing that bares his name. They join Univision and NBC Universal in dumping The Donald. The reason all of them have given is Trump's comments about the majority of Mexicans crossing the border are rapists and drug dealers. The statement was made during his Presidential Announcement.

So this was a bridge too far for these commercial entities. I'm a free enterprise chap and these organizations are free to do whatever they want, but Donald Trump has been publicly wreckless with his language for years and years, as is his right. Where were these companies when he was regularly attacking President Obama on his birth certificate, plainly suggesting and encouraging the false belief he was not a citizen? Where were they when he constantly asked for the President's college transcripts and blatantly suggested he attained his education solely because of his race? He has also been quite vocal about border issues for a long time and not flattering of immigrants.

I guess their position would be all of that occurred before he was officially running for President and now the game has changed. Fair enough. Let's check them off one by one, Univision certainly had to do something or face a tremendous backlash. NBC Universal would not have been able to maintain a relationship with Trump because he's a candidate. They can't provide him free air time without providing every other candidate the same time. We now know Trump doesn't own The Celebrity Apprentice so the show will go on without him, as it always would have, so their action means nothing. Macy's also falls under the category of so what. Trump doesn't manufacture those products, he licenses them, it's a beautiful thing, money made solely on saying, yep you can put my name on it.

Donald Trump hasn't changed, he's behaving the way he always has. If he doesn't become President of the United States all of these outraged companies will find it in their heart to do business with him again. Forgiveness is important, especially if there's a buck to be made.


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