Supreme Overreaction

There are some folks that are plum riled up over most of the Supreme Court's rulings last week. I can't indict them all because the post would be too long. My readers want a tasty snack, not a heavy meal.

Ted Cruz wants to change the Supremes into elected officials. Bobby Jindal wants to eliminate the court altogether and Mike Huckabee wants not just civil disobedience, but for government officials to violate the law and not grant marriage licenses to gay people. None of them liked the upholding of the Affordable Care Act but it's really the gay thing that has them breathing fire.

It's amazing how much they admire the court when it rules their way and despise it's mean activist ways when it doesn't. Judicial activism is the most overworked phrase in politics. While the Supreme Court does decide what cases it will hear there has to be a case to begin with. Congress writes the laws but it generally makes them so complex there's room for interpretation. It doesn't have to be that way but they like it because they're a bunch of lawyers and it's good for their industry. The other game is pretending the Constitution was written in an ancient dead language that only a few can interpret. There is nothing to interpret, I've read it many times and it seems quite clear, but I'm just a simple minded man.

All three of the Presidential candidates I've named pretend to be big Constitutional defenders, they love to invoke the spirits of the founding fathers. Wonder what the fathers would think of Moe, Larry and Curly's suggestions about the Supreme Court?

Elect them? Nope, the Constitution is clear on this, nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. Eliminate them altogether, an entire co-equal branch of the Federal Government? I don't think the fathers would like that at all. Defy the law because you don't like it? Do we all get to do this? Cause I'm fairly certain some people think it's okay to rape, rob and murder. Is Huckabee suggesting civil war and chaos in the street under a Christian banner? Sure he is but only rhetorically, after Iowa we can return to the whole nation of laws thing.

All of these boobs are playing for the camera and fighting for a political demographic that refuses to move forward or to even understand that this is supposed to be a pluralistic society. You don't have to like your neighbor to save them from their burning house.

It is best to live by the philosophy of you tend your garden and I'll tend mine. Or if you prefer, mind your own business.


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