A Fight for Common Sense

The Obama Administration is pulling out all the stops to gain Congressional support for the Iran Nuclear Deal. They're using social media platforms, including Twitter, the President is appearing everywhere and extending press conferences to encourage more questions, even suggesting some. Today Secretary of State Kerry and key negotiators appeared before a Senate committee. The exchange was often contentious, especially from those running for President. This is to be expected and as I've previously written there are genuine concerns about the deal.

The deal is worth pursuing. There are no constructive alternatives being offered by it's opponents, most of whom were against it long before they even knew what it would be. As others have already pointed out, you don't have to negotiate these kind of deals with your friends. You must engage your adversaries and we always have and often with those countries that posed far greater threats to our country. I'll say it again, we have nothing to lose with this deal.

I've noted in the past year during Senate general speeches a tendency to quote Winston Churchill, as an unapologetic admirer and amateur historian of Churchill I understand. He's imminently quotable on just about anything. So let's look back at World War II. Churchill had to go before Parliament and make an announcement that certainly stuck in his craw. He informed that august body that Britain would begin sending arms and all possible support to the Soviet Union. The chamber erupted. How could the staunchly anti communist Churchill even consider this? Churchill responded and I'm paraphrasing, "If Hitler were invading the realms of hell, I would find at least one redeeming quality to say about the Devil."

Ah yes, the Devil. Some politicians are saying that the Iran initiative is a "deal with the Devil." Everyone of the those politicians if asked would say they believe in God, the overwhelming majority being Christian. No national politician would ever say they don't believe in God, even if they don't, so let's go with it. God himself did a deal with the Devil. Lucifer was ejected from heaven by  God's special forces, lead by ArchAngel Michael. God made Lucifer the ruler of hell and cut a deal saying he could tempt human beings. Since according to Christian Dogma, God created everything, including the Angels, he could have just destroyed Lucifer but he didn't. Are these politicians suggesting they are smarter and wiser than God? Think about that.


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