Habana Delight

Keeping in line with the rapidly changing relationship between the U.S. and Cuba, the two countries will officially reopen embassies. Cuba will certainly have an Ambassador here but Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio says he intends to fight the appointment of a U.S. Ambassador to Cuba. Don't you have better things to do Senator Rubio? Oh, I get it, you're staging a political stunt to get attention for your campaign, carry on. Better hurry and get organized before Ted Cruz figures it out.

This story is a giant snooze and opponents of this latest development have no justification for opposition. I understand the personal stories of those who lost everything in their homeland because of Fidel Castro and I would hate him and his brother till my dying day. But that has nothing to do with affairs of state.

The embargo remains in place, only Congress can lift it and it should lift it. It hasn't mattered for decades. The reasons for it to begin with are completely understandable. Cuba's willingness to be a weapon for the Soviet Union was unacceptable but that's all over now. There is no Soviet Union, Fidel Castro is an old man living in seclusion and Cuba is a much diminished plot of land.

The argument that we can't establish diplomatic relations because of Cuba's human rights violations is to be blunt a crock of shit. We have official relationships with many horrid countries throughout the world and always have. You can't have any influence if you aren't talking. The embargo punishes the Cuban people not Fidel Castro. He has endured just fine.

In the grand scheme of things Cuba needs us, we don't need them. Well, a box of Punch Double Coronas would be nice. Maybe some Montecristos and Hoyos. Oh hell, I hereby offer myself for consideration to be Ambassador to Cuba.


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