We're So Sorry Governor

New Jersey Governor and Presidential hopeful Chris Christie made his triumphant return to his favorite cable news show, Morning Joe, yesterday.

Christie hasn't appeared on the program for awhile, I think it had something to do with dodging the press. But he need not worry cause they love him on that show. Softballs are the norm when he is on that set. Pushback, not.

Christie is a highly skilled and commanding politician and doesn't allow reality to interfere with his narrative. He demanded and is still awaiting an apology from the press over Bridgegate because he has been cleared of wrongdoing.

First, the press owes no apologies for covering the news. But if it will make you feel better Governor, I'm sorry. I'm not a member of the press but I am the preeminent essayist of Hindtit, Indiana. I'm so sorry that you're so wrong. Second, here are the facts which you have conveniently forgotten. There have been three investigations of Bridgegate. One was conducted by your people, nothing to report there. The second was from a Democratic
led committee in the legislature and they were denied all relevant documentation by your administration. Now we come to  the investigation you can't escape but continue to ignore. The U.S. Attorney is far from done with you and his subpoenas can't be ignored. He also has your closest aide as a witness. A man you went to high school with and pretended you barely knew him but suggested he was a loser. He has said there is evidence that you knew exactly what was going on. We shall see. It would seem that a giant shoe may drop about the Governor right around Iowa time.

After announcing his candidacy Christie immediately departed for New Hampshire but then did a very strange thing. He went to Maine to get the endorsement of Governor Paul LePage. You might be thinking, sounds like a good thing, you want endorsements when you're running for President. Problem is, the Governor of Maine is batshit crazy, seriously do some research, the man is off his rocker, deliberately. How a state that has produced such good politicians like Susan Collins, Olympia Snow and Angus King could elect a guy like LePage is baffling. It's like a Stephen King novel, oh yeah!

Carry on Governor Christie, a man who has presided over the credit downgrade of his state not once, not twice, but nine times and who has broken most of his promises to the people of New Jersey is perfect for the White House, full speed ahead.


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