Sliding On the Polls

Okay, so, the Republican Party has so many announced and not yet announced candidates that the debate sponsors have implemented a magic number that the candidate must achieve in polling data, in order to participate. Oh my gosh this has never happened before. Sorry friends but this is not a new issue. It goes back many election cycles, just ask Alan Keyes, who was denied the debate stage on more than one occasion.

Frankly it's a load of hooey. They should all be allowed to participate. Cut the opening and closing statements, focus on one topic per debate and increase the number until enough candidates have fallen away to present a more traditional debate, which let's face it is nothing more than a large press conference. How about a no holds barred rock 'em sock 'em with the moderator only stepping in to stir things up to the next level. Now we got some politicking worthy of our reality T.V. era!

In the past this leaving people out has always been explained away as being realistic about who has a real chance of getting the nomination. If that were true it's not the result of a poll but the application of logic that would be used, I'm so silly!

This time around who's to say where this party's nomination process will end up? Let them all have their day in the sun.


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