Huckabee Buzz

It's tough to be a Republican Presidential candidate right now. With Trump sucking all the air out of the room it's hard for the others to get media coverage.

So what to do? Say inflammatory things and bad mouth the President, it's sure fire. Mike Huckabee says the President of our country is leading the Israelis to the ovens, a direct reference to the Holocaust.This is the chance to once again equate Barack Obama with Hitler, which was all the rage during the Affordable Care Act debate, you remember the death panels?

Naturally  Huckabee maintains he's speaking of the Iranian Goverments routine declarations of unleashing a Holocaust on Israel. He opposes the current Iran Nuclear Deal and that's fine. He could have taken the high road and explained his opposition and laid out his alternative for the path forward, but that wouldn't get him attention.

So he chose the low road and not for the first time. The Reverend Governor Fox Commentator is a nasty demagogue showing his true colors. He has a long history of narrow minded expressions that go way back before the first time he ever ran for President.

Bluster and blow, a good name for his next Fox News show.

His effort to get some coverage did work, he's received a commentary here in the journal of record in my house. Congrats Mike.


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