
As you can tell I've been having a lot of fun with Donald Trump's candidacy and will probably have more (definitely will). But for this post I promise no product launches or tongue firmly in cheek.

At no time over the many election cycles that Trump teased about a possible run did I believe that he ever would. Pretend he will for self-promotion, yes, but never do it. Proof that even political junkies like myself can get it wrong.

As easy as it would be to believe that this is all just a publicity stunt and any day he's going to yell, gotcha! It isn't, this campaign is for real. Even if Trump originally considered it a lark, all of the blowback concerning his rhetoric has emboldened him. While many would recoil and possibly withdraw from the field, a man of Trump's self-confidence absolutely will not.

I think he looked at the unbelievable number of people who were going to try and get the Republican nomination and realized that other than a guy named Bush, none of them had national name recognition. Trump doesn't have to introduce himself to America at large, let alone Republicans. It appears that he really does want to be President and saw a path that had never previously presented itself.

One major Republican donor wants the party to find a way to keep Trump off the debate stage. They don't really have a way to do that and it won't happen. The polling number rules have been set and he will continue to meet them.

The corporate affiliates who have severed ties with Trump have also emboldened him. Those corporations are not heroes so don't waste your time applauding them. Trump is the same man he was a month before he announced.

If he is as wealthy as he claims and we'll soon have a clearer image of that, then he doesn't need a bunch of donors to run nor does he have to spend a wad of money on ads during the Primary. His antics assure daily coverage by the national media and again everybody knows him.

Who can take him on during those so called debates? He will be focusing on Bush and Rubio and I'm betting will treat the rest like mosquitos and will slap them accordingly. Does anyone really believe that any of those debates prior to Iowa will be anything other than winking at the camera and trying out one liners? Everyone that is except Donald Trump, he has nothing to lose, will not self-sensor, will not pull his punches and that makes him very dangerous for his opponents.

The Republican Party is praying that he goes away and regular order returns, meaning they go to him for donations and praise his business brilliance. They liked him as a bombastic loud mouth against Barack Obama but they don't like it now that they are his target.

I know I promised to be serious but you have to admit that for entertainment value it doesn't get much better. I hope my local Fox affiliate shows that first debate but it probably won't.


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