Vote, Vote,Vote

Here's a post you can file under not gonna happen.

President Obama was addressing a group of young people and encouraging people to vote. Agreed. The topic of requiring by law all eligible citizens to vote came up. He said it was doubtful that could happen and again kept encouraging voting.

There are countries which require, by law, all citizens to vote, most notably Australia.

Let's not pretend here, that law will never be proposed, let along enacted in the U.S. The two dominant parties would never touch such a thing. It also falls under the heading of be careful what you wish for. Based on my observation people can be quite bizarre in the way they vote.

Marco Rubio became a part of this story by stating not voting was also a choice. Okay,not sure why that needed to be said but whatever. He then said people should vote. Okay, again not sure how this became a thing.

I've always voted. I've always said go vote, be greatful you have that right. Statistically minorities and poor people are the biggest sector of society that doesn't vote. Let me just offer my own anecdotal thoughts. I've known a lot of middle class, business owners and some wealthy folks that don't vote.

I will never understand those that don't vote. I can also with certainty guarantee you we will never by law require citizens to vote.

Did I mention you should get off your ass and vote?


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