Congrats B.B.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won his bid for a fourth term. Kudos for a well played campaign.

Don't let the hair on fire media lead you astray to believe there is some big rift between Israel and the U.S. Our alliance is strong. Our mutual leaders aren't exactly bosom buddies and B.B.'s poke in our President's eye by speaking before Congress didn't help build bridges. 

That said, the American Administrations criticism of how Netanyahu ran his campaign is none of our business and vice versa.  Can Netanyahu derail the President's negotiations with Iran? No he can't. It's also not just us in those negotiations, it is five other nations. Those nations in many respects are more important than we are because they actually have real trade with Iran. It is they who have the real impact on Iran.

Obama and Netanyahu have never had a particularly close relationship and that won't change. They will however hold their noses and meet. Doing that dance that world leaders do.

I meant what I said in an earlier post, I will gladly smoke a cigar with B.B. anytime!


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