Cruising to Crazy Town

Senator Ted Cruz announced today that he's running for President. No one saw that coming.

He chose the perfect place to make his announcement. Liberty University is the creation of the late Reverend Jerry Falwell and an excellent backdrop for a hard right evangelical. The appearance is that a lot of young people love Cruz and came out in support to hear his announcement. The truth is those students had no choice but to be there. His announcement was wedged into a mandatory convocation. They absolutely applauded his red meat speech.

Two things are very clear from his speech, he craves a war with Iran and he thinks he's running against Barack Obama.

His greatest claim to fame is the longest most ridiculous speech in the history of the Senate. He's an obstructionist and has no interest in doing the work of the people. He seeks to divide, not unite. He's unusually inflammatory for a Canadian. How is it that he can constitutionally run for President? I only bring this up because there is no dispute that he was born in Canada. Contrary to some people's belief Canada is not the 51st state, it is a sovereign nation. People like Cruz have never stopped the questioning of Barack Obama's birthplace, which was Hawaii but the facts have never been important to the "Birthers."

Aside from hitting hard on God's special love for the U.S. (Spoiler Alert: we're his favorite) his speech was a standard us against them restoration of American "values" meaning right wing Christianity superiority over everybody else.

There was a time when it could be easily predicted that a man like Ted Cruz could make some noise but never have a real chance of getting his party's nomination, but the Republican Party has gone nuts on multiple levels. Cruz is a dangerous demagogue who's vision of our future is to go back to a time when the masses were completely subservant to the Robber Barons and only a select segment of society ruled.

The games have now officially begun. There will be many announcements in the days ahead. By the way Rick Perry is also considering another run, how will they be able to find a stage big enough to accommodate two Texans, maybe three, Jeb Bush is kinda sorta a Texan.

If Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum run, Cruz will have his hands full because they will all be fighting for the same Evangelical support. Wonder which one God loves most?


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