The Hypocrites Oath

The Hypocrites Oath is a time honored political tradition, I promise to say one thing and do another.

Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has spent every moment of his time in the Senate demanding the repeal of The Affordable Care Act, what he always calls Obamacare. Literally, every moment. He attacked it again during his campaign kick-off at Liberty University.

Cruz' wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs and he has been on her insurance. Now his wife is taking a leave of absence while he runs for the Republican nomination so they would be losing their health insurance. What ever will they do? Don't worry, Cruz has a solution, he signed up for Obamacare. (You know I don't like that word but it's relevant to Cruz.)

Do not be fooled by any justification offered by old Ted. He doesn't have to use the government exchange set up by the Affordable Care Act. He can go to any insurance company he wants and buy a plan for his family. He's not doing that because it would cost a lot more. Not to worry Ted Cruz could afford to do that, he's not poor but he's not doing it because of his Hypocrites Oath.

If you truly have the courage of your convictions you act accordingly. The only conviction  Cruz has is his belief he should be President.


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