Pride In Prejudice

The Indiana House of Representatives passed the Freedom of Religion Act on a vote of 63 to 31. It will now have a very brief layover in the Senate, where they had already passed their version. Governor Mike Pence is just tickled pink with the news and says he can't wait to sign it into law. In fact the super majority representives who allegedly stand for all of Indiana's citizens are all quite proud of their prejudice.

There was not now nor was there ever a threat to anyone's religious belief in this country and certainly not in Indiana. A door is about to open which could have far reaching consequences. Do not be deceived by all the smiling corn holes saying it has nothing to do with the GLBT community, it has everything to do with it. It is it's origin and sole purpose. What these short sided moronic legislators fail to recognize is that they will eventually be confronted with discrimination and acts of lunacy that go beyond their intended victims.

Here's a fact for you citizens who have bought into this. No one in other states were losing their businesses because of refusing to bake cakes for gay couples. Their loss of revenue was based on their own stupidity. This is America, land of the free, home of the brave and the litigious. When we get mad we sue. Since when did my fellow Indiana cornheads decide that was bad? You have bought into a lie and you have allowed paranoia and self anointed media gurus to convince you there was danger where there was none.

On the other hand just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you.

As for me, my religion forbids me from accepting stupid laws and being in the company of morons.


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