Flush the Douchebags

The 47 U.S. Senators who signed that letter to Iran have faced so much blowback about their juvenile, yet dastardly deed many of them are trying to explain away their participation by minimizing their reason for doing it.

All of the reasons are ridiculous and not worth considering. My favourite one however does merit review because it comes from a wanna be President. A few days ago during a Senate hearing with John Kerry and Ash Carter, Rand Paul said the letter wasn't for Iran, it was for him (Kerry) and the President.

Really Senator Paul? Hey I got an idea, why didn't you and your cohorts address the letter to President Obama? The reason is clear. These Senators deliberately set out to try and subvert the President's negotiations with a foreign country. They tried to embarrass him on the international stage. It was a disgraceful and unprofessional act. It was in all likelihood an illegal move. It certainly violates the division of powers spelled out in our Constitution.

Why have so many in the Republican Party lost their minds?  Do they not understand that someday a Republican will be sitting in the Oval Office again. Do they want that President to be subjected to such an occurrence?

Do they hate President Obama so much that they are willing to literally blow up our political process? Are they willing to see the country harmed just to suit their own short sided goals? The answer is a big tragic yes.


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