Never Enough

No matter what Hillary Clinton says about her use of a personal email while Secretary of State will not be enough for her political enemies. They don't care that she broke no laws, they don't care that no Secretary of State used a government email address until John Kerry took office and the law changed. They are happy to call her a liar without saying it. They are not satisfied with the 55,000 pages of e-mails she released to the State Department, the emails which relate to her official duties. You can bet they are boring and uneventful which is why her enemies haven't and won't take the time to read them. Oh no, they will keep asking for nonexistent emails which have nothing to do with her public duties. They will continue to ask for that which they know doesn't matter or exist.

The Republican Party is scared to death of Hillary Clinton's impending Presidentail run and this is just the start of their campaign to try and tear her down. They will keep trying, hoping in vein to find something bad that will stick.

If I were her I wouldn't turn over the server, especially since it was originally set up for former President Bill Clinton.

With regards to criticism of The Clinton Foundation accepting donations from countries that don't live up to the hopes of the Clintons, especially as it relates to women's rights, really? The United States deals with large numbers of countries that do not share our philosophy or way of life, some have routinely been granted most favored nation status. You can't fight for change if you are not engaged in dialogue. Take the misguided's money and whisper in their ear, you're wrong.


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