The Time We Waste...

It's one thing to enjoy a lazy day sippin' lemonade and binge watching a favorite show, it's quite another for our legislative representatives to waste the public's time on unnecessary legislation.

The Indiana General Assembly is considering a "Freedom of Religion Act" during this session and it's coming to a boil today. This legislation began brewing after the legalization of gay marriage. It is about legitimizing refusing service to the GLBT community but it could open the door to far more discrimination than that.

Apparently the sponsors of this bill and it's supporters have forgotten that they live in the United States of America and they already have freedom of religion. We have this thing called the Constitution and the First Amendment reads exactly as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The legislation being considered in Indiana is as frivolous as those states which have pursued passing anti-sharia law from being enacted in their states, an occurrence which could not and would not ever happen because of the Constitution just referenced.

If some people are so afraid of gay people and others not like themselves, you don't need legislation to deny service. All you have to do is act like what  you are and I assure you those people won't patronize your business. You do have to be careful cause the gays are crafty when it comes to infiltration. Most of them look a lot like you so you're in a bit of a quandary, but I'm sure you'll work you're way through it and find a way to turn away as many potential customers as possible.

Church's don't have to worry. If they're actively preaching hate they've probably already driven off the "undesirables" and the rest are hiding in the closet. No church, synagogue, mosque or other religious institution is required by law to perform marriages or in any other way violate their doctrine. They are protected by that thing called the Constitution.

I find this legislation disgusting, offensive and a complete waste of time and taxes. However, those who introduced the Bill have the right to do so and those that support it are equally entitled. I would be the first to stand up and fight for their right to do what they think is right. But they are wrong and it is sad that there are so many who believe their faith is somehow in jeopardy, it isn't.

If you truly have a religious faith nothing can interfere with that. If you believe that God exists nothing can assail that belief or the deity you claim to believe in. You do not have the right to inflict your religious beliefs on others, especially on those not interested in it, either through mob intimidation or legistive initiative.


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